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Pursuit Coaching: Leadership and Mental Health and Wellness Coaching

"The pursuit is the provision."


With Pursuit Coaching, Dr. Loper applies his rare expertise in human development, mental health, and wellbeing to support teams, organizations, and executive leaders in remaining engaged in process and active in the consistent pursuit of their theoretical limits. Using evidence-based strategies and clear, actionable teaching, Dr. Loper helps executives and physicians within healthcare and business contexts develop into more resilient, emotionally intelligent, and effective leaders of transformational change. 

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What Clients Say:

"What truly distinguishes Pete as an executive coach is his commitment to empowering individuals to find their own path. Rather than imposing solutions, he skillfully facilitates exploration, helping you tap into your creativity and critical thinking. With his guidance, you will gain the confidence to trust your instincts and make decisions aligned with your values and aspirations."

- Dr. Ravi K Varanasi

Biotech Entrepreneur/Wharton MBA

Dr. Loper has been named a "Top Coach" in Columbia, SC by Influence Digest Media for two years consecutively, and serves as an executive coach in the McNulty Leadership Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. 

Top Coach 2023
Top Coach 2024
Coaching Services


Leadership Development Coaching

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the strongest predictor of leadership performance and success regardless of context. As informed by his expertise in human development, Dr. Loper’s leadership coaching is experiential and formative.  He poses thought provoking questions that challenge a client’s current assumptions, expose “blind spots”, and prompt exploration of novel perspectives.  He supports his clients real-time in processing, organizing, and synthesizing their new perceptions to support the adaptive problems solving and the EI domains of self and social awareness that are critical to becoming a leader of transformational change.


Dr. Loper’s leadership coaching is tailored to support the context, process, and motivation of the individual client.


Common components of the coaching process: 

•    Qualitative self-evaluation
•    Assessment
of EI competencies
•    Enhancement of EI competencies
•    Creating a professional vision
•    Values-informed goal setting
•    Action goal setting and formative evaluation


Click the icon below to connect for a leadership coaching consultation.

Pursuit Coaching: Leadership and Mental Health and Wellness Coaching


Mental Health and Wellness Coaching

Mental health is health. In fact, the research is clear that it is our thoughts, to include our perceptions, perspectives, and beliefs, that dictate our biochemistry and thereby our overall health and wellbeing.  Good health and wellness are achieved first in the mind, and common-sense dictates that the most effective treatment for any illness is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Informed by years of education, training, research, and experience, Dr. Loper’s mental health and wellness coaching is a primary prevention strategy that restores your agency and empowers you to take control of your health.


Common areas of focus:


  • Stress reduction and anxiety management

  • Productivity, focus, and attention

  • Performance enhancement

  • Self-worth

  • Emotional intelligence

  • Illness prevention

  • Sleep

  • Nutrition

  • Resilience/Burnout prevention


Dr. Loper’s mental health and wellness coaching is grounded in mindfulness, and employs evidenced based strategies with actionable steps. He is like a personal trainer for your mind to help you reduce stress, mitigate burnout, improve motivation, improve productivity, and flourish so that you can stay engaged in the relentless pursuit of your theoretical limits.


Click the icon below to connect for a mental health and wellness coaching consultation.



Pursuit Coaching: Leadership and Mental Health and Wellness Coaching


Groups and Teams Coaching

Human beings are not immune to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that any system in isolation will experience will become chaotic. A group or team is an organism, and in order to function at maximum efficiency, all organ systems that comprise the organism must work collectively, cohesively, and in harmony.


An expert in group dynamics, Dr. Loper's group and team coaching focuses on:


  • Assessment of entropy

  • Identification and diagnosis of the dynamics that are perpetuating entropy 

  • Actionable, evidenced-based interventions to dissolve dysfunctional team dynamics, restore centropy, and maintain team cohesion, unity, and harmony, for consistent, sustained performance


Click the icon below to connect for a team or group coaching consultation.




Pursuit Coaching: Leadership and Mental Health and Wellness Coaching
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Pursuit Coaching: Leadership and Mental Health and Wellness Coaching
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